Indulge in the vibrant colors and rich textures of our Fall CSA Bouquet Share. Handpicked from our summer and fall favorites, this bouquet features a stunning assortment of Dahlias, lisianthus, celosia, zinnia and more. Perfect for adorning your home or gifting to a loved one, this share is a beautiful way to soak up the last bits of autumn before winter's chill sets in. Sign up now and enjoy a new bouquet every week throughout the season.
What's included-
-4 weeks of beautiful bouquets (our full season of tulips sold out in 6 days last year so this is the best way to reserve)
-Your share supports our family, flower farming dreams and the local agriculture economy.
-A personal relationship with how, where and by whom your flowers are farmed.
-Free entrance to one of our sunset u-pick and photography nights
-One $10 gift certificate to use for any item at Double Dog Farm & Floral
-Pick up at the self-serve flower stand at your convenience on the designated day.
This is share is perfect as a gift!
There is something truly special about locally grown, fresh-cut flowers.
Return Policy
Due to the perishable nature of this item it’s non-refundable. If you are unhappy with your product please get in touch at doubledogfarmfloral@gmail.com